This chapter provides detailed information to configure and start the Font analysis of a volume. • read the Precautions section in the Trouble-shooting section • launch the program • click the Start button The Setup window opens to accept your Analysis preferences.   Font Box defaults to the recommended setting of performing all tests. Click on a test that you don’t want executed. Balloon Help is available. • Analyze Pop Up Select the volume to analyze. If there are multiple local volumes, an option for ‘All local volumes’ appears. If this is the Professional Edition and network volumes are mounted, an option for ‘All volumes’ appears, also. If you select either of the multiple volume options, Font Box reads all the fonts on all the selected volumes and creates the ‘best set’ of all the fonts. If you are analyzing Networked volumes, move the Fonts folder out of the System Folder and restart each Mac before analyzing. Mount the Networked volumes you want to analyze. Font Box ignores fonts in any folder named ‘Nonessential Fonts’. You can move specific fonts into this folder. • One folder only Checkbox Select a specific folder to analyze. First, select the volume with the Analyze pop up then click this checkbox. A window will appear after the Continue button is pressed prompting for the folder. • Check for corrupt fonts Loading a corrupt font will eventually crash your computer. A font usually gets corrupted by an unusually spectacular System crash. The Mac is further aggravated because the corrupt font then leads to more crashes, which may lead to more corrupt fonts. System problems due to corrupt fonts are particularly difficult to isolate because one doesn’t usually think of checking fonts and checking requires tediously opening (double-clicking) each suitcase and displaying (double-clicking) each font. This test is performed automatically. Results: If a font is corrupt, Font Box displays a window indicating the problem. The Fix button fixes the problem and the Ignore button leaves the font alone. • Duplicate Bitmapped fonts Duplicate fonts consume disk space and make font management more difficult. Opening duplicate Type 1 and True Type fonts can cause unpredictable format results and crash your computer. Font Box performs a low-level analysis of each resource in each font, which is simply not feasible manually. Results: If duplicate fonts are found, a scrollable list is displayed. The Exclude button ensures that only one copy of the font is moved to the Font Box folder. The Include button allows duplicate fonts in the Font Box folder. If duplicate Type 1 and True Type fonts are found, you are presented with a Keep Type 1 button which moves the Type 1 fonts to the Font Box folder and a Keep True Type button which moves the True Type fonts to the Font Box folder. You may also click (highlight) specific problems to ignore. Press shift-click to extend the selection and command-click to select discontinuous items. • Duplicate Postscript fonts Duplicate Postscript fonts only waste disk space and make font management more difficult. Results: If duplicate fonts are found, a scrollable list is displayed with an Exclude button which ensures that only one copy of the font is moved to the Font Box folder and an Include button which allows duplicates. You should always select the Exclude button because a renamed Postscript font cannot be referenced by the corresponding bitmapped font. • by Foundry Checkbox This option is only available in the Professional Edition. If checked, Font Box differentiates the same font from different Type Foundries. • Bitmapped fonts without Postscript fonts Bitmapped fonts (screen fonts) require the corresponding Postscript fonts (printer fonts) to properly print. Orphaned bitmapped fonts appear in the Font menu and display correctly in the installed sizes, but print as Quickdraw, not Postscript, fonts. This test ensures that all your bitmapped fonts print correctly. Results: If a scrollable list is displayed, click the Exclude button to prevent the orphaned font from being included in the Font Box folder or click the Include button to include it. • Postscript fonts without Bitmapped fonts Conversely, Postscript fonts (printer fonts) without Bitmapped fonts (screen fonts) will never be referenced and are only wasting disk space. Font Box locates the orphaned Postscript fonts. Results: the Exclude button prevents the orphaned Postscript font from being moved to the Font Box folder. The Include button includes the Postscript font in the Font Box folder. • Remove Superfluous Bitmapped sizes If a font is viewed in any other than the installed sizes, ATM uses the Postscript font to generate a bitmapped font. Therefore, with ATM, you can save RAM and disk space by removing extraneous type sizes. Results: clicking the Exclude button instructs Font Box to create new fonts without the extraneous bitmapped sizes. The Include button causes Font Box to include the extraneous sizes in the new fonts. • Run automatically Checkbox If checked, Font Box performs the analysis and fixes all the problems without displaying the results. A dialog box opens after the Continue button is pressed promting for two options. The first specifies keeping Type 1 or True Type fonts if a duplicate is found. The second specifies if Font Box should rename or delete duplicates when moving existing files to the Nonessential Fonts folder. After pressing the Continue button, the Destination Options window opens. This is described in the next chapter.